Thursday, August 30, 2012

Rozen Maiden - Hanamaru Hambagu

This is another dish from Rozen Maiden, which is the favorite dinner entree for all the dolls.  Their eye would light up at the mention of the name.  Hanamaru Hambagu is a Japanese salisbury steak topped with a circular flower.  In Rozen Maiden the flower was made out of a sunny side up egg.
I used the hambagu steak recipe from No Recipes.

You do not have the follow the recipe exactly.  I added two finely diced serrano peppers and I did not use any red wine.  It is all up to you.  I do recommend adding in the exact amount of tofu Marc has on his recipe.  The tofu helps keep the meat moist after you cook it.  However, if you add too much the beef mixture will become too soft and will fall apart.  Also, when you eat the patty the meat will have more of a mushy texture.

The hardest part of making the Hanamaru Hambagu is the sunny side up flower egg.   I had to remake the egg at least 4 times and it still did not come out the way I wanted to.

Sunny Side up Flower Egg
  • Ingredients
    • One Large Egg
    • Some oil for cooking
  • Directions
    1. Place a large metal flower cookie cutter in the middle of a frying pan.
    2. Place some oil in the middle of the cookie cutter.  
      • It is ok if it spreads out
    3. Once the pan is hot crack a large egg in the middle of the cookie cutter.
    4. Slowly cook the egg.
    5. Once the egg is done transfer the cookie cutter and egg onto a plate.
    6. Cut the egg whites the seeped from the cracks out of the cookie cutter off.  
      • Make sure to follow the shape of the cookie cutter.
    7. Slowly push out the flower shaped egg.
      •  Make sure that you don't fry the bottom of the egg to a crisp.  This will make it harder to get the flower shape.
    8. Place egg on hambagu
Well, this is what my dish looked like.

 I wish that the shape of my egg was better, but after so many tries I was getting a little frustrated.  The dish tasted really good though.