Friday, August 24, 2012

Rozen Maiden - Kanaria's Snack

Rozen Maiden is an anime series based off the manga created by Peach-Pit.  The story involves a middle school boy named Jun Sakurada who has agoraphobia. He spends his days at home buying cursed items online and returning them before the grace period ends.  One day he comes across a letter.  He circles yes to the question asked and places the letter into his desk drawer. It vanishes and soon after he receives a package.  Jun opens up the package and finds himself the owner of a living doll named Shinku. She must partake in the Alice Games with Jun's help in order to meet her creator.  During the games, the duo have many adventures together and meet many friends along the way.

One of the Rozen Maidens Jun meets is Kanaria.  She has a childlike personality, loves to spy on people, and uses a violin as her fighting weapon.

 During a spying expedition at the Sakurada household Kanaria decides to have a picnic.  She brings a bento that has sweet tamagoyaki, strawberries, and mini octopus hotdogs.


After viewing this scene I had to make this lunchbox.  It looks so cute and yummy.

Sweet Tamagoyaki Recipe  

  • Ingredients
    • 3 large eggs
    • 1 - 2 tsp sugar (I used granulated sugar)
    • pinch of salt
    • Olive Oil (to cook with)
  • Directions
    • Take a small frying pan, place it on a stove top, add enough olive oil to coat the bottom, and slowly heat it up on medium low.
    • In a bowl crack the eggs, add sugar, add salt, and mix well.
      •  Make sure not to over mix the eggs or you will get lots of bubbles.
    • Once the pan is hot pour a little of the egg mixture into it and cook until you get a nice layer of cooked egg.
      • There might be some runny egg on top of the cook layer, which is fine.  You don't have to cook it all the way.
    • Once you get the layer, start on one side of the pan and flip 1/3 of the egg over towards the middle. Then flip another 1/3 over until you "roll" the egg to the opposite side of the frying pan.
    • On the empty side of pan pour in more of the egg mix, cook it and flip the already cooked egg over towards the other side of the pan.
      • Make sure the egg mixture touches the already cooked omelette.
    • Repeat until all the egg mixture is used and you get a nice cook rectangle looking egg omelette.
    • On cutting board slice the egg  into pieces.

 Mini Octopus Hotdogs
  • Ingredients
    • water (to cook with)
    • mini hot dogs aka cocktail sausages
  • Directions
    1. In a frying pan heat up a layer of water on medium.
    2. On a cutting board take the cocktail sausages and slice 1/3 portion lenthwise until you get four tentacles.
    3. Once the water is boiling add the sausages and cook thoroughly. 
      • You can fry the hot dogs, but you get scorch marks on the sausages.
    4. Once cooked put the mini octopus hot dogs onto a plate.

My bento ended up looking really similar to Kanaria's.

I chose Earl Grey as my tea of choice for this snack. It is a black tea, which is gives it a similar color as the tea Kanaria had.  I only used 1tsp of sugar for my rolled omelette, and it was not sweet enough.  I did not mind though because I tend to like more of a savory tamagoyaki.  If you want the egg to be more yellow I recommend adding two drops of yellow food coloring into the egg mixture. Also, I recommend finding cocktail sausages that are more of a red coloration. Overall, I am really happy on how the bento turned out.

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